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Supply chain responsibility

NetApp is committed to being a responsible and active corporate citizen and conducting its operations in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. NetApp has been a member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) since November 13, 2013. The RBA Code of Conduct is a code of best practices in supplier engagement that provides guidelines for performance and compliance in the areas of labor, health and safety, environment, management system, and ethics.

As an RBA member, NetApp has adopted the RBA Code of Conduct. We have implemented a Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) for our top tier production suppliers. The process includes a series of steps that we can take to evaluate a partner’s program, ensure that any sites that manufacture NetApp® products or components are fully in alignment and work with any partners that need additional support or guidance.

NetApp is currently leveraging its membership in the RBA to access standard tools and best practices to better understand, monitor, and improve the SER conditions in our supply chain. NetApp will continue to leverage the RBA infrastructure to address any SER concerns including child labor, health and safety, environmental conditions, and ethical conduct within the supply base.

Code of conduct

NetApp expects its suppliers to conduct their business according to the standards set out in our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Conflict minerals

"Conflict Minerals" are certain minerals mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and surrounding countries, where mining money might finance armed groups engaged in civil war, human rights abuses, or environmental damage.

The U.S. Dodd-Frank Financial Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 and other SEC regulations require U.S. companies to disclose the use and custody chain for Conflict Minerals. NetApp's SEC filing for Conflict Minerals can be found here.

Recognized as an industry leader in Conflict Minerals compliance, NetApp:

  • Has a corporate conflict minerals policy in place
  • Has been selected to speak at various conferences on this subject
  • Is an active participant in the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI)
  • Has conducted a Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry (RCOI) on its supply base
  • Has provided training and leadership to peers in the industry

NetApp expects its suppliers to comply with and support Conflict Minerals Regulations, including:

  • Sourcing minerals from socially responsible suppliers
  • Requesting suppliers downstream to source from socially responsible suppliers
  • Providing NetApp with prompt, truthful, and accurate information regarding each supply source
  • Cooperating with regular business reviews, surveys, and audits by or for NetApp to ensure supply-chain compliance

For additional information on NetApp’s Conflict Minerals program, e-mail

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