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SAP Customers Are Getting to Market Faster with Azure NetApp Files

HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) runs on Azure NetApp Files for customers who are looking for flexibility, stability, and the lowest-possible cost of ownership.

NetApp helps us because the easier it is to deploy software, the faster it is for the customer to get their business processes activated.

Lalit Patil Chief Technology Officer, SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud

Making it easy to deploy software is one way to characterize the power of Azure NetApp Files. When it comes to accelerating intelligent enterprises using modern cloud technology, it is absolutely vital to provide business continuity and recovery features SAP customers count on. SAP’s HANA Storage Snapshots are tailored with NetApp’s best in class storage SnapCenter technologies to provide a reliable and fast backup and recovery solution for seamless operations.

With Azure NetApp Files, HANA Enterprise Cloud delivers the simplicity, performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness needed to accelerate a customer’s evolution on the path to cloud and into an intelligent enterprise.


  • Fast, easy migration with Azure NetApp Files
  • Run applications seamlessly across the cloud and on the premises

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