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NetApp and Piper Jaffrey to Host a Tech Talk Conference Call and Webcast

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Sunnyvale, Calif.

NetApp (NASDAQ: NTAP) and Piper Jaffray will hold a conference call to discuss NetApp’s NVMe value proposition with Jeff Baxter, senior director, technical marketing and chief evangelist, ONTAP. Following brief opening remarks from NetApp, a question and answer session will be moderated by Piper Jaffray. Interested parties can find more information on NetApp’s Investor Relations website at investors.netapp.com

No new financial information will be discussed during this conference call.

Date: Monday, June 25, 2018

Time: 8:30 a.m. Pacific Time/11:30 a.m. Eastern Time

Speaker: Jeff Baxter, senior director, technical marketing and chief evangelist, ONTAP

Moderator: Andrew Nowinski, senior research analyst, security, storage and networking, Piper Jaffray

Dial in #: 855-679-4722 or 262-222-2382 / Reservation code: 4928179

Webcast:  investors.netapp.com

Replay available for 1 week: 855-859-2056 or 800-585-8367 / Reservation code: 4928179

About NetApp
NetApp is the data authority for hybrid cloud. We provide a full range of hybrid cloud data services that simplify management of applications and data across cloud and on-premises environments to accelerate digital transformation. Together with our partners, we empower global organizations to unleash the full potential of their data to expand customer touchpoints, foster greater innovation, and optimize their operations. For more information, visit www.netapp.com. #DataDriven

Press Contact:
Madge Miller
(408) 419-5263

Investor Contact:
Billie Fagenstrom
(408) 822-6428

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